Why Is a Dental Crown Needed? What are Types of Crowns?

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth cap placed over damaged teeth. A dentist at 33778 uses dental crowns to restore the shape of a tooth when fillings can’t solve the problem. Materials for making dental crowns include porcelain, resin, metal, and ceramics. In addition, maintaining proper oral hygiene is enough to care for your crowns.

This article discusses the advantages and types of dental crowns. Kindly read along.

What is a Dental Crown?

Tooth decay, injury, and wear can damage a tooth, causing it to lose shape or size. A dental crown is a tooth cap that fits over a tooth to restore its size, shape, appearance, and strength. A dentist near you cements it over your tooth to cover its visible portion when getting a dental crown.

Why Is a Dental Crown Needed?

Dental crowns are tooth restorations suitable for repairing damaged, decayed, misshapen, and discolored teeth. Dr. Cecilia Sorelle recommends dental crowns for restoring teeth’ appearance and function. Other reasons why a dental crown is needed are for holding dental bridges in place, covering dental implants, and covering the tooth with large fillings. In addition, dental crowns are necessary for children with poor oral hygiene and at a high risk of developing tooth decay.

Advantages of Dental Crown.

Dental crowns are ideal for numerous purposes, including;

  • Dental crowns cover a tooth completely, preventing further damage and strengthening it to perform its functions.
  • Crowns can restore a tooth to its initial shape and size. They are a suitable restorative treatment for misshapen teeth, fixing bite issues, and allowing you to speak and eat without problems.
  • Dental crowns are permanently bonded over a tooth, making them comfortable
  • Dental crowns improve your smile because they cover tooth imperfections. Also, they can match your natural teeth’ color.

What Are the Types of Dental Crowns?

There are different types of dental crowns, and they are from different materials. The types of dental crowns include;

    1. Metal Crowns

Metals like gold, palladium, chromium, and nickel are suitable for making dental crowns. Metal crowns can withstand biting and chewing forces, and they rarely chip or break. Furthermore, they last the longest among other crowns, and they only require the removal of a small part of the teeth. Because of their color, metal crowns are most suitable for out-of-sight molars.

    1. Porcelain-fused-to-metal Crowns

This type of crown has a natural tooth color, and it can match the color of the tooth next to the crown. The porcelain portion of this crown has higher chances of breaking or chipping, wearing down the teeth surrounding the crown. Also, the metal portion of the crown may appear as a dark line. Nevertheless, porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are suitable for front or back teeth.

    1. Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns have a more natural tooth color than other types of dental crowns. They are also the best choice for people with metal allergies. However, porcelain crowns are not as strong as porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. Porcelain crowns are an ideal option for front teeth.

    1. Pressed Ceramic Crowns

Pressed ceramic crowns have a hard inner core capped with porcelain. This type of dental crown provides the best natural teeth color match, and they are also more durable than porcelain crowns.

    1. Resin Crowns

Although composite resin crowns are less expensive than other dental crowns, they are more likely to wear down easily.


Dental crowns are ideal for covering tooth imperfections, including uneven size and discolorations. Although there are several types of dental crowns, it is best to discuss with a dentist near you to know the cost and procedure of getting one.

You can book an appointment with a dentist in Seminole when you are ready to get dental crowns. During your appointment, the dentist at 33778 will examine your teeth to develop a customized treatment plan for you.