If you are looking forward to improving your smile you will have several options offered to you by the cosmetic dentist you are visiting. Cosmetic dentistry is gaining in popularity with some reality shows showcasing how a cosmetic dentist can transform your teeth to give you a smile you desire.
It is recommended that you seek out an experienced and qualified professional for any procedure you have in mind. The professional must help you to determine which method will work best to enhance your smile.
The different procedures offered may overwhelm you but these are just part of a normal routine for the cosmetic dentist. You can consider one among the following procedures to improve your smile and appearance.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is also identified as teeth bleaching and the procedure can whiten and brighten your teeth by several shades from the discoloration or staining. Teeth whitening can be performed in a dental office or you can also purchase whitening kits from the dentist for use at home. Advice from a dentist is necessary because this procedure is not suitable for everyone.
Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are thin shells customized from porcelain or composite material. They are custom-designed and bonded to the front surface of the tooth. Veneers can be used for treating dental conditions like slightly crooked teeth, chipped teeth, discolored teeth, and even to cover gaps between your teeth.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are titanium posts designed to replace missing tooth roots. They are surgically placed into the jawbone where the missing tooth existed. A dental implant can act as an anchor for artificial teeth which could be in the form of crowns, bridges, and dentures.
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are also known as caps and are custom-made to encase the entire tooth after being prepared by the cosmetic dentist. Acrylic or porcelain fused to metal is used for making the crowns that need to withstand biting pressure. In cosmetic dentistry, crowns are being used to treat badly shaped, decayed, broken, chipped, and teeth with large fillings. They can also be used to cover gaps between the teeth.
Tooth Bonding
Tooth bonding is a procedure whereby tooth-colored materials are bonded to the tooth. This procedure helps repair or improve the appearance of a tooth that is badly stained, chipped, or broken. The cosmetic dentist may also use composite bonding as an application to the existing tooth. This is a convenient procedure that can be completed in a single visit to the dentists’ office to leave you with an appearance you desired instantly.
Teeth Shaping
This procedure is also referred to as enamel shaping and the dentist reshapes the tooth by filing down and removing some enamel. It is considered as a painless procedure but can deliver instant results.
Orthodontic Treatments
Orthodontic treatments are not limited only to children. More than 20% of Americans are now considering treatments from orthodontists as a cosmetic procedure. It is recommended that people with buck teeth or crooked teeth discuss with their dentist if they should seek help from an orthodontist.
If cosmetic dentistry is becoming popular so are cosmetic dentists many of whom are qualified professionals truly capable of providing the treatment necessary. However, you must understand that finding an experienced cosmetic dentist is perhaps the most important requirement because you could easily be attracted by offers made by salons claiming they can handle any procedure. You must attempt to avoid unqualified professionals and search for Dental Arts Seminole that can provide you any treatment mentioned from a qualified dentist fully versed with the requirements of cosmetic dentistry.
You may be concerned that a reputed dental facility in Seminole, FL, could probably charge you higher prices for the treatment they offer. However, you must understand the procedures of cosmetic dentistry are not cheap and will set you back by a tidy sum depending on the type of treatment you choose to have for yourselves. A procedure like composite bonding will be in the affordable category but dental implants or veneers are significantly expensive. You must discuss your needs with the dentist and allowing him or her to determine the best procedure for you that will help to improve your appearance and smile.